Monday, May 15, 2017


Social MarCom Mid Test
  1. 3 reasons why internal analysis is important in marketing planning process?
    Internal analysis is the process of evaluating an organization’s resources and capabilities. It provides information on organization’s assets, skills, and work activities. First, internal analysis is an important measure to determine your organization’s level of strength and competency. Then, as an info on capabilities such as various routines and processes that transform inputs into outputs. Internal analysis is important because it can determine the cost position of the organization in industry market and organization potential to attract and engage new business opportunities.

    2. According to VRIO Theory. In which condition that a company can achieve maximum profit? Give on example
This analysis will show the capabilities of SaladStop! Will make maximum their potential profit.
  • Valuable: SaladStop offers many unique and satisfying healthy food and beverages that other competitors do not offer on a regular basis. SaladStop also includes their nutrients information for their food on their menus in order to appeal to variety customers. SaladStop have a strong global presence in Asia market. It is a great way to gain more revenues from new and existing customers since the behavior now days changing from consuming junk food to healthy food.
  • Rare: In Jakarata, this is one of the places that people can find where to eat fresh and healthy food. SaladStop is the first and largest healthy food chain in Asia. So far SaladStop is the most recognizable restaurant that serve healthy food.
  • Imitability: In short term, no competitors of SaladStop could gain such as large global presence. It would take significant time and resources to accomplish this.
  • Organization: By offering a variety options and continually improving their menu, SaladStop is successfully taking advantage of this capability. With a lot of options most consumers (people) can find something they like and people can create their own salad bowl. SaladStop is efficiently utilizing this capability and creating the atmosphere that many customers thoroughly enjoy. The company is taking advantage of the trendy lifestyle that is currently present in many Asia cities. SaladStop currently operate in Singapore, Manila, Jakarta and Tokyo and aim to become the world’s leading nutrition, health and wellness company serving the best tasting, most nutritious food. 

3. Correlation between STP and AIDA in marketing planning. Give an example!
  • Awareness: creating brand awareness or affiliation with the company product or service.
  • Interest: generating interest in the benefits of the product or service, and sufficient interest to encourage the buyer to start to research further.
  • Desire: to create an 'emotional connection', by showing the brand personality. Move the consumer from 'liking' it to 'wanting it'.
  • Action: Move the buyer to interacting with the company and taking the next step. Such making the phone call or searching for information.
    AIDA is made accoding to the each targeted segements, this is why every company / brand have to identify its STP. They must know which segments is they are dealing with. Then whom is the specific targeted audience / customer, is it potential customers or not. The next step is what concept that the brand wants to deliver to the targeted audience, so that people has a clear picture of a particular product / services name.
    If we already know the STP, then we can place the awareness so that they can recognize the brand. After that we generate interest for them, then we create emotional connection to each target, and leads to action, either they approve it or reject it. 

Sunday, April 2, 2017

Social Markting Influence for changing behavior

I choose pepsodent campaign as one of social campaign that influence for us to change.

From the campaign we see and learn that maintaining our teeth is important, because if we dont brush our teeth it can cause damage and bad smells.

Here, the campaign shows us the importance of taking good care of our teeth by brushing it at least twice a day and by using good quality of toothpaste.

This campaign succeeded to change customers behaviour in last couple years.

Monday, January 9, 2017


Benscrub didirikan pada bulan September 2014 dan telah menjual produk kepada 10.000++ pelanggan. Dimulai dengan Frank Tubuh Coffee Scrub, yang telah menjadi produk pertama yanbg pertama kali di jual dari website ini, lalu terus berkembang dengan memperluas berbagai produk produk lainnya.
Saat ini website tersebut telah menawarkan lebih dari 400 produk dalam 30 merek dari Australia, Selandia Baru, dan Perancis. Produk-produk ini 100% asli dan otentik. Benscrub terus memperkenalkan merek baru, dipengaruhi oleh tuntutan dan tren baru.

AIDA dari

AIDA merupakan singkatan dari Attention, Interest, Desire, dan Action . Model AIDA berfungsi untuk mempresentasikan tahap dalam mengambil prospek melalui proses-proses yang dilalui , dari mulai kesadaran akan suatu barang dan jasa hingga memiliki hasrat dan melakukan pembelian.

1.     Attention
Tahapan dimana kita website tersebut sadar akan keberadaan produk yang di tawarkan. Dengan cara beriklan di beberapa platform social media yang ada seperti Instagram, facebook, dll. 

2.     Interest
Interest merupakan tahap dimana Customer merasa tertarik dengan produk yang ditawarkan maupun yang di jual. Pada tahap ini, Benscrub memberikan informasi yang jelas mengenai produk-produk yang di tawarkan. Benscrub menyediakan box yang berjudul ‘Chat with us’ yang bertujuan untuk mempermudah Customer untuk bertanya tentang beberapa hal yang kurang jelas atau untuk menanyakan informasi lebih lanjut tentang produk tersebut.
Pada tampilan awal website, langsung terdapat pula produk-produk yang di tawarkan, sehingga ini mempermudah customer untuk meningkatkan tingkat keinginan mereka dengan adanya gambar tampilan-tampilan produk.

3.     Desire
Adalah tahapan dimana website tersebut memberikan penawaran yang tidak dapat ditolak  si kosumen, dimana agar timbul keinginan dan hasrat untuk membeli produk kita. Benscrub menawarkan produk – produk dengan harga discount, sehingga ini yang menarik minat customer untuk membeli produk dengan penawaran yang cukup baik. Benscrub juga menyediakan tab tersendiri untuk khusus produk sale

4.     Action
Tahapan dimana konsumen mengambil tindakan untuk mulai membeli produk yang sudah di tawarkan.
Proses – proses pembelian melalui website ini pun dapat di lakukan sangat mudah, sehingga ini dapat membatu consumer dengan mudah untuk melakukan tahap pembelian.

Benscrub memiliki tampilan awal website yang meneyediakan menu pilihan, barang apa yang anda inginkan, dari mulai produk new arrivals, skin care, best sellers, hair care, dll. Selain itu juga terdapat menu pencarian atau search untuk langsung menemukan barang yang di cari oleh customer. Customer di sediakan menu yang lengkap, mulai dari produk yang tersedia, proses pemesanan, proses pembayaran, hingga proses pengiriman. Website ini juga menyediakan description penjelasan dari setiap produk yang di tawarkan. Hal ini sangat informatif bagi para customer yang ingin mengetahui lebih detail dari produk tersebut, terlampir pula cara penggunaan dari produk-produk yang di tawarkan. Website ini juga di lengkapi menu yang dapat langsung berhubungan dengan pelanggan melalui media social lain, seperti twitter ,instagram, dan facebook.
Tampilan dari website sangat tertata rapih dan mudah. Warna yang di tampilkan adalah putih, sehingga membuat para customer untuk lebih mudah mengakses website tersebut. Customer tidak harus membutuhkan waktu yang lama untuk mengakses website tersebut, karna website di lengkapi dengan fitur-fitur yang sangat sederhana dengan tampilan menarik, sehingga loading page tidak terjadi dengan lama.

Website yang di tampilkan oleh Benscrub sangatlah mudah untuk digunakan. Halaman pertama website berupa promo-promo menarik mengenai produk yang di tawarkan. Terdapat juga bar di bagian atas tentang seleksi produk, dan di bagian pojok kanan bawah adalah kolom untuk menghubungi kontak Benscrub.
Terdapat bagian mengenai Contact Us dan About Us di bagian bawah website tersebut. Benscrub juga menyediakan dan menginformasikan kepada customer baru untuk bagaimana cara memesan produk untuk pertama kali nya. Selain itu, website Benscrub juga memiliki kolom Track Your Orders untuk mentracking pesanan yang sudah di pesan oleh customer.
Benscrub juga mencantumkan dengan jelas dan detail contact person yang dapat di hubungi bila mendapat keluhan atau pertanyaan mengenai produk atau pemesanan customer.


Friday, October 14, 2016

Dsiplay Advertising & Customer Acquisition

Display advertising adalah salah satu tipe dari online advertising yang terdiri dari beberapa bagian seperti banner ads dan video iklan di sosial media. Display advertising sendiri berbeda dengan tet advertising, karena display advertising lebih mengedepankan gambar atau foto, video dan suara untuk menyampaikan pesannya kepada publik. Iklan tsb memiliki display atau tampilan

Customer acquisition adalah dimana perusahaan mendapatkan konsumen baru, tahapan pertama bagi sebuah bisnis yang baru saja ada dan ingin mengembangkan diri. Customer acquisition selalu menjadi tujuan yang paling penting dalam peluncuran baru dalam memulai bisnis baru.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Marketing Campaign - PlusIsEqual

I have chosen PlusIsEqual from Lane Bryant as my topic.
Lane Bryant is trying curvier models on for size.

On platforms like Instagram and Twitter, women who have for so long felt ignored by mainstream fashion are finally able to have a voice. They're sharing body-positive selfies and hashtags, following plus-size bloggers like Gabi Fresh and Nicolette Mason.

This campaign went viral because it delivers a prospective society to the point of view.  This entire campaign is centered on showing people to not be ashamed of their body. The goal of this campaign is to educate the society to love their body no matter what size they are in it.
People should not have a mindset that beauty has always appeared from their physical look. Pure beauty comes with a confidence, health, and sexiness from themselves.

I really love this concept, because it makes us think that this is the time for us to finally all to accept each other’s as we are, that they who has bigger appearance than us doesn’t deserve a body shaming and bullies. This campaign now shows us to encourage self-acceptance, fight back against body-shamers, because sometimes when someone sees an image of a woman, it makes them feel a certain way about themselves, so from this 30 seconds campaign they want to show these girls that they’re the same.

The campaign is representing body diversity without labeling it plus sized, this is a great way and a big step towards true body equality.
The campaign perfectly fit the philosophy that beauty is meant for everybody and every type of bodies.

This campaign is currently running and has been for most of 2015. 
The main slogan of the campaign is “Plus is Equal”.